filters | struct|array | Hash array with filters that the product group can apply to products. Allowed keys are: - product - filters related to the product attributes - hash / array with the following keys allowed: name, url, price (array with keys start and stop), categories (array), in_stock (true or false)
- e-commerce - e-commerce related filters - hash / array with the following keys allowed: no_purchases (hash / array with keys: start, stop), qty_purchased (hash / array with keys: start, stop), value_purchased (hash / array with keys: start / stop), action_date (the date that the action refers to - can either be an array with keys start and stop (interval) or a string from the following values: today, yesterday, last_7_days, current_month, last_month, last_30_days, last_3_months, last_6_months, last_year, last_24_months, current_year, previous_year)