//client can de downloaded from https://github.com/Newsman/newsman-api-php
// you can get your API KEY, your newsman_user_id and list_id from My account -> API
$newsman_user_id = "your-username";
$api_key = "your-api-key";
$list_id = "your-list-id";
$view_online_html = false; //The view online html content or false if no html present
$text = "the text version"; //The text alternative or false if no text present
// Hash array with newsletter props.
$campaign_props = array(
"encoding" => "utf-8", /* the default encoding of this newsletter (default utf-8). optional */
"subject" => "the newsletter subject", /* The newsletter subject. will be encoding using encoding. required */
"use_best_time" => "true" /* use_best_time - Send to each subscriber at the time they are most active (default false). optional */
try {
$client = new Newsman_Client($newsman_user_id, $api_key);
$ret = $client->sms->createCampaign($list_id, $text, $view_online_html, $campaign_props);
} catch (Exception $e) {
//do something with the error, eg: log $e->getMessage()
return $ret;